
360 degree podcast production

We handle everything from guest searching + coordination, writing scripts, recording, audio editing + production, and publication.

Please enquire about our highly competitive rates!

Audio production, podcast editing and publication

With our team of experienced podcast producers, and audio engineers, put your podcast in the hands of people who REALLY care about how good things sound... we're a bit obsessed.

- Recording, audio editing, and distribution to all streaming platforms, published to the podcast's website including an episode description.

- Or simply send us your audio files and we'll send them back all edited and sounding amazing.

In all service deals with publication, we'll run a mailing campaign dedicated to alerting your audience about your episode releases and will feature your podcast in the Sound Sapien newsletter - all included.

Have your podcast page hosted on our website!

For just a one-off fee become an in-house Sound Sapien podcast with a dedicated page on our website.

With you there every step of the way, we'll design a page on our website that takes listeners right to your podcast, your social media profiles, and will get them signed up to the podcast's mailing list!

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